Selasa, 20 Juli 2010



Yes, I am Black

As you see from the front and from the back

You may reject, you may underrate

Upon me, you even may not respect

You took me out from Africa,

grabbing me from my mama

gathered in a crowded sheep ship with no feed to eat

Many died in the deep sleep

You treat me as a slave,

you can slap, you can rape

But I’m not an animal,

that you can kill, you can burn

You may say I am an ugly man

Since I was child, I just cultivate the land, not the brain

But completely I am a man

Created by God with blood and name

And I have pain!

Yes, I am not White

I have no right to be the right

I am Black, and I am glad!

3 komentar:

  1. nice poem for the first posting pin:D
    good job, i like it *rianti mode:on*

    i'm agree with you, black people has their own independent right. they are also human same like another race.
    so. let's respect each other without considering the extreme differences :D

  2. wah, pin, kan kamu putih?

    tapi bener kata rena, puisi mu benar2 kereennn
    thumbs up!

    ayo, dilanjutkan, pin..
    aku selalu siap mengintip tulisanmu :)

  3. @RENA: thx atas sambutannya,,, yup all men are equal, either black or white, either male or female,,, we all have name, we all have blood, we all have the pain... so in the name of humanity, there is no man above or below the others
    @ikha": thx ikha... ak juga gakan bakal ketinggalan ngikutin tulisan2mu... ak komenin nanti, maklum baru bikin blog, blum begitu paham... tadi pagi baru diajarin pondra,,,hhee
